TEST STD.dynamics UTim File Generation

Purpose (optional):
Cadence, in seconds:
Mass memory limit: The mass memory limit is set to 170, to change set value $L6
Target update frequency:
Bypass UV rad check? Yes No

Target selection:

Frame Modes:

RAS.dynamics_4 selects observing modes for each wavelength in terms of main loop and context images, as shown below. To illustrate, the default mode is 171 Å 768x768 Q4 and full FOV context. Also please note, that 1600 Å is required for a flare response to be active. So if you have the flare response turned on 1600 will be turned on in your utim.
171 Å Mode: Context:
195 Å Mode: Context:
284 Å Mode: Context:
UV Wavelength: WL Context: WL
1216 1216
1216 (20s) 1216 (20s)
1550 1550
1600 1600
1600 (10s) 1600 (10s)
1700 1700
UV Image size: UV context size:
Main Focus Relief: Yes
The top bit of each byte in $G9 is used for focus relief, these are now set by default in the main
Context Focus Relief: Yes No
UV AEC Response:
Context cycle rate:

Flare Options:

Flare Response Flag: Do Nothing
Reps for flare response:
Wavelength Option for flare response: 171 Only, 768x768
Special fast 171 at Imax
Select Wavelengths: WL 171
1216 195
1550 284
195 with 1600/171 every 5 cycles
fast/slow 171 response (1s/16s fixed exposures, be prudent!)
slow 171 response with B amp
fast/slow 195 response (1s/16s fixed exposures, be prudent!)
slow 195 response with B amp

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Last modified: Monday January 9 2006 (DCM)