General Concept

The CC contains a number of controllable parameters called flags. Flags are typically parameters that are more or less constant for long periods of time but which may have to be adjusted for special purposes such as calibration. Some flags are dynamic parameters that are used as flags for debugging purposes. The format of the flags command is:


I is the index to the flags table. M defines the position of the bits that one wishes to change. V is the value of the bits. The CC code shifts V left a number of bits equal to the least significant 1 in M. The current value of the flag is AND with the inverse of M, then OR'ed with (shifted) V. Index 0 consist entirely of bit flags. Most other flags are words that a typically set in their entirety. If the default columns contains DYN, the flag reflects a dynamic state and therefore has no default.


Flag NameIndexMaskDescriptionDefault
ShtrTmo01000Monitor picture state machine for timeouts1
MechStRd0200Enable periodic mechanism status reads1
GTSamp0100Enables 100Hz photodiode sampling1
DHCintEn080Enables DHC initialization even if load unsuccessful0
DHCintPr040Enables DHC status reads and synchronous interrupt handling1
HtrRdOt010Allows heater controller switch during CCD readout0
Map204Send CCD header(1) to camera on each exposure0
WM_fngl02Wedge finagle. Bias position for CW moves1
FM_fngl01Filter finagle. Bias position for CW moves1
ha.picstat1FFPicture taking stateDYN
sht_rdo2FFFFShutter readout statusDYN
gen_error3FFFFUnexpected InterruptsDYN
ha.l9_error4FFFFLevel 9 error wordDYN
cmd_w_lm5FFFFTime command watch limit????
ha.kdptcnv6FFFFLast non-valid commandDYN
dh.ip_warn7FFFFDHC warning countDYN
dh.IP_erCt8FFFFDHC error countDYN
mp_hd2.pg9FFFFCCD header page/queue addr bytesDYN
FDW10-25FFFFDefault frame definition block
sa1E.kfmpos26FFFFFocus motor software position0
I0B_rep27FFFFNumber of 1553 commands per interrupt cycle2
diod_th28FFFFDiode threshold (if diode < diode_th) state = not illuminated32
ergn6429FFFFGT ACS error multiplier (64 gives gain =1)64
slew_delay30FFFFTicks to delay sequence after slew = 060
Control Computer Operational Flags

Last Update: 9/18/97 CC Version 1.26

Name: Michael Levay