Sequence Instruction Set
General Description
Sequence instructions have op codes that are 1 byte long. Most instructions have 1, 2, or 3 operands. A
few have 0 and one (SETREGS) have a variable number of operands. In most cases, operands may be
immediate or register. In general, bits 3,2, and 1 indicate the type of operands 1, 2, and 3 respectively. A
1 indicates immediate while a 0 indicates register. Instructions that contain address references, e.g.,
branch instructions, interpret the operand as an address in sequence space. If the operand is a register, it
is defined by a single byte; otherwise, the operand is defined by 2 bytes. All branch addresses are bound
checked prior to execution. The section that follow define sequencer instructions in functionally related
groups. In the tabular descriptions, & indicates sequence space address, R indicates register, and I
indicates immediate value.
Arithmetic instructions contain 3 operands; a destination operand and two source operands. The operands
may be register or immediate. Table 3 SUMMARIZES arithmetic instructions.
Instruction | Opcode | Type | Description |
OP1 | OP2 | OP3 | |
01 | R | R | R |
OP1 = OP2 + OP3 |
03 | R | R | I |
05 | R | I | R |
07 | R | I | I |
11 | R | R | R | OP1 =
OP2 - OP3 |
13 | R | R | I | |
15 | R | I | R | |
17 | R | I | I | |
21 | R | R | R | OP1 =
OP2 * OP3 (The upper 16 bits of the multiplication result are placed in register 199). |
23 | R | R | I |
25 | R | I | R |
27 | R | I | I |
31 | R | R | R |
OP1 = OP2 / OP3 |
33 | R | R | I | |
35 | R | I | R | |
37 | R | I | I | |
INC | C6 | R |
| OP1
= OP1 + 1 |
DEC | D0 | R |
| OP1
= OP1 - 1 |
Table 3 Arithmetic Instructions
Branch Instructions
Branch instructions contain 3 operands; a branch address, a reference operand, and a test operand. The
branch address may be a register or immediate. The operands may be register or immediate.
Table 4 Summarizes branch instructions.
Instruction |
Opcode |
Type |
Description |
OP1 | OP2 | OP3 | |
00 | R | R | R |
Branch to OP1 if OP2 == OP3 |
02 | R | R | I |
08 | & | R | R |
0A | & | R | I |
10 | R | R | R |
Branch to OP1 if OP2 != OP3 |
12 | R | R | I |
18 | & | R | R |
1A | & | R | I |
20 | R | R | R |
Branch to OP1 if OP2 < OP3 |
22 | R | R | I |
28 | & | R | R |
2A | & | R | I |
30 | R | R | R |
Branch to OP1 if OP2 <= OP3 |
32 | R | R | I |
38 | & | R | R |
3A | & | R | I |
40 | R | R | R |
Branch to OP1 if OP2 > OP3 |
42 | R | R | I |
48 | & | R | R |
4A | & | R | I |
50 | R | R | R |
Branch to OP1 if OP2 >= OP3 |
52 | R | R | I |
58 | & | R | R |
5A | & | R | I |
82 | R | R |
Branch to OP1 if OP2 != 0 |
86 | & | R |
BZ |
90 | R | R |
Branch to OP1 if OP2 == 0 |
98 | & | R |
C2 | & |
Go To OP1 |
CA | & |
Table 4 Sequencer Branch Instructions
Sequence Related Instructions
This section describes instructions associated with sequence initiation, identifications and termination.
The Call instruction (CLL) transfers control to another sequence. Upon completion of the called
sequence, processing resumes at the instruction following the call. CLL is a two operand instruction
where OP1 contains the low word of the sequence ID while OP2 contains the high word. The call stack is
10 deep. SID and VID instructions define sequence ID's. The SID instruction places the ID in
housekeeping telemetry while VID does not. Both skip the 2 bytes following the ID. RET, EXIT,
and ABORT instructions stop the current sequence. RET and EXIT end the sequence normally (EXIT
the $RTN built-in). If the NewSequence command that started this sequence has additional sequences,
next in the one in the list starts. TERM terminates this sequence and any others started with the same
command, but will start any pending NewSequence. ABORT terminates this sequence and will not start a
pending NewSequence command if there is one. Table 5 defines sequence related
Instruction | Opcode | Type | Description |
OP1 | OP2 | OP3 |
81 | R | R |
Call Sequence with ID [OP1,OP2] |
85 | R | I |
89 | I | R |
8D | I | I |
A0 | R | R | I |
Set Sequence ID Note: For the sequencer to "find" a sequence, it must start with a VID or a SID with the AC OpCode. OP3 always points to the next sequence ID. |
A4 | R | I | I |
A8 | I | R | I |
AC | I | I | I |
VID | E1 |
I | I | I |
Virtual ID |
RET | E0 |
Return to sequencer |
B1 | R |
Same as RET except that $RTN is set to OP1 |
B9 | I |
TERM | E2 |
Terminate sequence and all others in NewSequence |
E4 |
Abort this, all in NewSequence, and Pending |
Table 5 Sequence Related Instructions
Time Related Instructions
These instructions that relate to sequence timing. Wait returns to the sequencer the specified number of
ticks. 0 and 1 both wait 1 tick. A tick is 50 milliseconds. Delay returns to the sequencer until the
specified number of ticks since the previous delay. If that time has already passed, the sequence advances
immediately without returning to the sequencer. Delay time is pushed on a CLL and restored upon return.
SRT sets an internal parameter called the reference time (RefTime) to the current local on-board time
(LOBT) in seconds. TIM returns to the sequencer until LOBT is greater than of equal to RefTime + OP1.
The argument to the time instruction is in seconds. NOOP does nothing but absorb one sequence
instruction time. Table 6 defines this group of instructions.
Instruction | Opcode | Type | Description |
OP1 | OP2 | OP3 |
B4 | R |
Wait OP1 Ticks |
BC | I |
DELAY | B2 | R |
| Wait OP1 Ticks from Previous Delay
BA | I |
| E8 |
| Set RefTime to current LOBT
| B0 | R |
| Wait until OP1 seconds since SRT.
B8 | I |
| No Operation
Table 6 Time Related Instructions
Assignment Instructions
This group of instructions sets register to values. SET sets a register to a value. SETREGS sets a block of
registers to a block of values. LDA sets the register in OP1 using OP2 as a pointer. The address base for
LDA is the CC data segment, i.e., one can load a register with any location in CC memory. LDR sets a
register to the value of another register and increments the source register. Table 7
defines assignment instructions.
Instruction | Opcode | Type | Description |
OP1 | OP2 | OP3
| 80 | R | R |
| OP1 = OP2
84 | R | I |
83 | R | R |
OP1 contains a destination register number. OP2
contains the number of registers (N). The next N
words in the sequence are the value to which the
registers are set.
87 | R | I |
8B | I | R |
8F | I | I |
| A1 | R | R |
| OP1 gets value of address defined by OP2
(OP1=*OP2) (OP2 is referenced to CC data segment)
A5 | R | I |
LDR | A3 | R | R |
| OP1 gets value of register defined by OP2 and OP2 is
incremented (OP1=*OP2++)
Table 7 Assignment Instructions
Observing Related Instructions
The instruction in this group are those that directly interact with the main CC code and the DHC to take
images and control the instrument. The coding of each instruction and a brief description are contained
Table 8. The subsections that follow describe each observing instruction in some
Instruction | Opcode | Type | Description |
OP1 | OP2 | OP3
| C0 | R |
| Take a Picture
C8 | I |
| 70 | R | R | R
| Take a picture including PZT and Focus
72 | R | R | I | |
74 | R | I | R | |
76 | R | I | I | |
78 | I | R | R | |
7A | I | R | I | |
7C | I | I | R | |
7E | I | I | I | |
| 91 | R | R |
| Set camera amplifier and offset
95 | R | I |
99 | I | R |
9D | I | I |
| 83 | R | R |
| Set pointing target
87 | R | I |
8B | I | R |
8F | I | I |
| Lock current buffer
| Reset automatic exposure parameters
| Start time average |
| Update IMAX coordinates
Table 8 Observing Instructions
Frame Instruction (FRAME and FRMPF)
The FRAME instructions (FRAME and FRMPF) configure the instrumentation and take a picture. The
operand to the FRAME is the Frame Identifier (FID). The operands the FRMPF are the FID, a PZT offset
(PZTO), and the focus offset (FO). FID is ID of a frame definition block (FDB) . The sequencer locates
the FDB in the frame table based on the upper 13 bits of the FID. The lower 3 bits are available as a
revision code. Paragraph 0 contains a detailed description of the FDB. PZTO is an index to the PZT
Offset Table. Entry 0 in the PZT offset table contains the nominal PZT positions. PZTO is used for
calibrations and sub-pixel pointing. Focus is set to the default focus position for the wavelength specified
in the FDB. FO is a signed offset from the nominal position for the wavelength.
When the sequencer executes a FRAME or FRMPF instruction, it sets various parameters that are used by
the CC and DHC to realize the requested image. These parameters are derived from the FDB, FO, and
PZTO as well as the current state of the instrument. The sequencer then returns to the CC. The sequence
advances to the next instruction once the event detection portion of the DHC program (phase I) is
complete. If a NewSequence command is received during a FRAME instruction, the sequence start is
deferred until the picture taking process is complete. The sequence proceeds even if there is a DHC error
or a picture state machine timeout.
Set Amplifier and Offset (SAMP)
The SAMP instruction selects the CCD amplifier and ADC OFFSET. A zero in either parameter
do not change. Amplifier is the first operand while ADC offset is the second. The sequencer sets
parameters in camera control table, and the CC uses these for the next picture. The sequencer does not
return to the CC when it executes the SAMP instruction.
Set Target Instruction (STTG)
The set target instruction acquires target parameters from the pointing control table using the pointing ID
specified in the instruction. The ID is 32 bits. The sequencer looks up the ID in the Pointing Control
Table (PCT) based on the high order 24 bits. The lower eight are available for revision control. If there
are several targets with the same ID, the last is used. OP1 contains the lower word of the target ID while
OP2 contains the upper word. The sequencer transfers the wedge positions associated with the requested
ID to a request bytes used by the CC. The sequencer returns to the main CC code. The sequence resumes
once the slew flag is zero. The slew flag becomes zero right after the CC has issued the last wedge move
command. Three seconds or less after this, the spacecraft should be at the target. If a NewSequence
command is received during the STTG instruction, the sequence start is deferred until the slew flag is
Lock Flare Buffer Instruction (LOCKBUF)
LOCKBUF sets the status of the current flare buffer to locked. It decrements $NBF and sets $CBF to the
next available buffer. If there is no current flare buffer, LOCKBUF has no effect.
Reset Automatic Exposure Control Instruction
The AEC reset instruction sets the current automatic exposure level in each of the 128 AEC entries to
default value for that entry.
Start Time Average (STARTAVE)
STARTAVE sets a parameter that forces the T0 parameter in the Image Processing Block to 1 on the next
frame whose FDB has time averaging enabled.
UPDIMAX computes the IMAX row and column from the most recent value in the data transfer buffer.
IMAX update happens automatically if the MX flag is set in the FDB. This instruction handles cases
where the MX was not set but an event has occurred and the sequence requires that the coordinates of the
event become the new IMAX.