2-Jan-97 (MDM) QUICK_HKPLOT will allow continuous HK plotting. Note that you can get a hardcopy while things are running by hitting the key "h". Anything else will exit. The following is part of the DOC_LIBRARY,'QUICK_HKPLOT' output Mons ;+ ;NAME: ; quick_hkplot ;PURPOSE: ; To read a list of mnemonics and plot them ;METHOD: ; If no start/end date/times are passed in, then the current time is ; used and the default window is 6 hours. ;SAMPLE CALLING SEQUENCES: ; quick_hkplot, style=1 ; quick_hkplot, '14-jun 6:30','14-jun 8:00',style=-10,/hc ; quick_hkplot, style=-1 ; quick_hkplot, style=0, mnem=['mipwa', 'mipwb'], yrange=[1, 1.2] ; quick_hkplot, sttim, entim, win=win, style=style, mnem=mnem ; quick_hkplot, style=1, /contin ; quick_hkplot,'30-nov-95 20:12',style=1, /text, outfil='temps.txt' ; quick_hkplot, /cont, mnem='ivcmp5', wait=10, win=0.5 ; quick_hkplot, /cont, pmulti=[0,2,2], mnem=['ivaep5', 'ivaep15', 'ivaen15', 'ivcmp5'] ;INPUT: ; sttim - starting time ; entim - ending time ;OPTIONAL KEYWORD INPUT: ; win - the window of time to use when no start/end times are ; specified. Default is 6 hours ; style - the style option (an integer value) ; mnem - the mnemonics to plot (manually defined) ; yrange - Force the plotting range for the y axis ; exp_pkt - Force it to use the emergency low rate experiment packets ; instead of the MDI packets (sc1,2,4 are still available) ; continous - Loop through continuously. If the letter "h" is hit ; while running continuously, a hardcopy is made. Any other ; key will exit the continuous wait. Default wait is 60 sec. ; wait - How much time to wait between real time plotting. Default ; is 60 seconds. ; text - If set, then show the mnemonic values in ASCII form to the ; IDL terminal ; outfil - If /TEXT option is used, the results can also be saved to ; a file.