Instrument Memory Loads


PHASE: Operations SUBSYSTEM: Instrument





Criticality: Yes

Frequency: As directed by EOF; possibly daily

Duration(Approx.): 5 minutes maximum

Constraints: Yes - see below


Procedure Description:


This procedure details guidelines that have been worked out between the EOF and FOT for loading routine sequence loads to the Control Computer (CC) or patch loads to the CC or Data Handling Computer (DHC).




A script exists, running from the prime workstation, (eoffilexfer) that will monitor the tracepi directory for incoming DPU load files and procedures. A terminal screen will pop up to inform the FOT of any new files that have been transferred. Accompanying this screen is a file that informs when loads/procs should be run. Any files that are received should be logged in the log book and added to pass plans based on expected load times.


The EOF is responsible for delivering the loads to be uplinked and a procedure to perform the operation. In addition, a text file (*.LTM) will also be delivered detailing the time span during which the loads must be uplinked. The EOF will ftp the files to traceops2 under the /home/tracepi/MEMORY directory. The file format will be TYYDOYXXX.VV where XXX represents .ald, .tld, etc. and VV is the version number. The TRACE Mission Planner or Operations Engineer will be responsible for scheduling the uplink of these files. TI_DPULoad is used to load to the DPU.


The original load files will reside on cheyenne under the /tsw/obs/loads directory. When a new load is created it is placed in the /fotdisk/fot/inputs/memload or /timeline directories depending on file type. The script send2fot is executed to transfer the files to the FOT prime workstation.


Sequence load files:

There are six types of CC load files: Automatic Exposure Control (AEC) table (*.ald); PZT Offset Table (*.pld); Target List table (*.tld); Frame Definition Table (*.fld); Sequence Table (*.sld); Wavelength Table (*.wlt). Each are used by the sequencer (portion of CC code dedicated to running sequences) for different purposes.


Refer to for more info on the sequencer.


Incremental loads or complete table loads will be uplinked as frequently as every day and should take on the order of 1-2 minutes. In the event that all files must be reloaded, it will take ~6-7 minutes.


Control Computer or DHC Patches:

As code bugs are discovered the Operations Engineer will be notified of necessary modifications to the TI_cc_patches and TI_dhc_patches procedures. These patches will have been tested at the Lockheed ETU lab in Palo Alto. Patches will initially be loaded to RAM and may be committed to EEPROM once verified in routine ops. These procs should load patches based on software version number and only load what is necessary, skipping all previous patches.


Load Verification

There is no plan to dump code patches or sequence load files for verification in real-time. The EOF inserts memory dump commands into the timeline which they will receive in VC1 for examination. A memory verification script examines the memory dumps and creates complete table image of the file name Verified.*ld. These tables will be transferred (method TBD) to the FOT prime system under /home/trace/ops/loads/INST/CC for contingency uplink in the event that the instrument should be powered off.



Contingencies and Responses:



Problems With DPU Load Files

Throughout I&T, the load files were generated in a form inconsistent with what ITOS wants to see. So if problems arise when loading DPU files, look below for common mistakes and notify the EOF for a replacement file. Most problems have been corrected, but occasionally one may sneak through that was not generated by their load formatter.


1. The ITOS loading program needs to see two text lines at the beginning of each file. A good example of a modified file is:


CommentLine (this line was inserted)



/ICDPML SEG=0x1000,offset=0xF500


X0213 027d 021c 0264 ;

X0213 0035 021c 0264 ;



2. ITOS does not like to see commented out lines at the beginning of load files. Comments in the load file should be made at the end. Files like below are likely to fail:


; Patch to correct raw and column numbers when

; using B amplifier. The code currently inverts the (This text should be at the end)

; numbers by subtracting them from 1024. It should

; be subtracting them from 1023.


; Patch Load Listing:

Formatted by TLOAD ver 3.3




/ICDPEPRM s_seg=0x2000, s_ofs=0, d_seg=0x8008, d_ofs=0x7FB4, length=6


XFFB8 2B03 FC46 4689 B8FC 03FF;


3. The Lockheed EGSE likes to see commas between the command mnemonic and the first submnemonic; ITOS does not. The load will choke on these commas. If you get a load file with commands like:



/ICDPEPRM,s_seg=0x2000, s_ofs=0, d_seg=0x8008, d_ofs=0x7FB4, length=6

send it back.


4. The command mnemonic ICPDML4 or ICDPML1 contains the field, NUMBYTES. ITOS specifies a default value for these command mnemonics and does not like to see it in the real-time command. The EGSE system however, needs to specify this field. Occasionally, procs or loads delivered by the EOF will contain this field and must be edited out before uplink.