## None ## CJS.movie.tuneEUV_someWL Take a movie at a single EUV (tunable) wavelength, some WL ## None ## CJS.scene.UValignment take a set of standard UV exposures for alignment purposes ## None ## CJS.scene.flexible Flexible multiwavelength scene. 1: Active Region CJS.scene.ar1.allnoWL at ar1, take standard pictures at all wavel. except WL 1: Active Region CJS.smallmosiac.tune (E)UV of central field, EUV 4 or 7 panel mosaic at EUV 2x2 bined 1: Active Region CJS.tracking.1x1.all1 at top1, 90 sec. cadence for white light, + UV+EUV interleaved 3: Bright Points CJS.EUV.WLtracking.1x1 at top1, 90 sec. cadence for WL, 45 sec. for 171 interleaved, 5: Calibration CJS.crosscaldiskcenter.1x1.all Provide images at all wavelengths at disk center, low cadence. 5: Calibration CJS.largedynamicrange.1x1 Take a range of exposures around optimal AEC in quiet Sun 5: Calibration CJS.scene.CDSsynoptic Provide images at all wavelengths on central meridian 5: Calibration CJS.scene.caldiskcenter.1x1.all Provide images at all wavelengths and darks at disk center 7: Chromosphere; 8: ChCJS.UVdynamics.1x1.EUVcontext Obtain a sequence of lyman alpha images at moderate cadence. 15: Emerging Flux CJS.EUV.WLtracking.1x1 at top1, 90 sec. cadence for WL, 45 sec. for 171 interleaved, 15: Emerging Flux CJS.tracking.1x1.all1 at top1, 90 sec. cadence for white light, + UV+EUV interleaved 19: Flows CJS.EUV.WLtracking.1x1 at top1, 90 sec. cadence for WL, 45 sec. for 171 interleaved, 19: Flows CJS.tracking.1x1.all1 at top1, 90 sec. cadence for white light, + UV+EUV interleaved 25: Loops CJS.scene.ar1.allnoWL at ar1, take standard pictures at all wavel. except WL 25: Loops CJS.smallmosiac.tune (E)UV of central field, EUV 4 or 7 panel mosaic at EUV 2x2 bined 30: Nanoflares CJS.scene.ar1.allnoWL at ar1, take standard pictures at all wavel. except WL 30: Nanoflares CJS.smallmosiac.tune (E)UV of central field, EUV 4 or 7 panel mosaic at EUV 2x2 bined 36: Quiet Sun CJS.EUV.WLtracking.1x1 at top1, 90 sec. cadence for WL, 45 sec. for 171 interleaved, 36: Quiet Sun CJS.largedynamicrange.1x1 Take a range of exposures around optimal AEC in quiet Sun 36: Quiet Sun CJS.tracking.1x1.all1 at top1, 90 sec. cadence for white light, + UV+EUV interleaved 49: Synoptic CJS.scene.CDSsynoptic Provide images at all wavelengths on central meridian 49: Synoptic CJS.scene.caldiskcenter.1x1.all Provide images at all wavelengths and darks at disk center 49: Synoptic CJS.scene.fulldisk.allpanel.tune make a full-disk mosaic at selected wavelengths; no flare checks 49: Synoptic STD.fdm.bulletproof make a full-disk mosaic at selected wavelengths, based