## None ##         CCK.logic1                              sequence logic test
      ## None ##         CCK.logic2                              sequence logic test
      ## None ##         CCK.logic3                              sequence logic test
      ## None ##         CCK.logic4                              sequence logic test
      ## None ##         CCK.logic5                              sequence logic test
      ## None ##         COM.dc1_compress_uv                     initial compression tests for uv only
      ## None ##         COM.dc1_compress_uv2                    another compression test for uv only, more levels of
      ## None ##         COM.dc1_compress_wl                     initial compression tests for wl only
      ## None ##         COM.dc1_compress_wluv                   initial compression tests for wl and uv only
      ## None ##         COM.roll_cal                            take a sunspot movie at the limb, target top1
      ## None ##         COM.ts1_1st_movie                       take a first movie in a few wavelengths, may be revised
      ## None ##         DPM.UTL_ExecList                        
      ## None ##         DPM.UTL_ProcFrm                         
      ## None ##         DPM.UTL_procfrm                         
      ## None ##         MDM.test_pzt_ff1                        Do flat field images using PZT offsets
      ## None ##         RAS.dynamics.1x1.all.1                  the 30 day plan states that this will be 2 hours at
      ## None ##         RAS.dynamics.1x1.all.2                  movie tests, 30 minutes each at 5 wavelengths, try fore/back
      ## None ##         RAS.dynamics.1x1.all.3                  movie tests, 60 minutes each at 5 wavelengths, try fore/back
      ## None ##         RAS.dynamics.1x1.all.4                  similar to RAS.dynamics.1x1.all.3 but wavelengths interleaved
      ## None ##         RAS.limb.1x1.all                        a movie with wavelengths interleaved, first movie at the limb
      ## None ##         RAS.movie.1x1.1EUV                      a test movie, we have 8 hours, keep it simple, just Fe XII 195
      ## None ##         RAS.test.transient                      
      ## None ##         RAS.testing.FE1_euvonly                 take a big picture in each wavelength (5 here) and downlink
      ## None ##         RAS.testing.FE1_sanseuv                 take a big picture in each wavelength (5 here) and downlink
      ## None ##         RAS.testsnapshots.1x1.all               
      ## None ##         RAS.testsnapshots.a                     take a big picture in each wavelength (8 here) and downlink
      ## None ##         RAS.testsnapshots.b                     does a 2 hour WL tracking test
      ## None ##         RAS.testsnapshots.c                     takes UV/WL movies to fill 16 hours, re-target every 30 minutes
      ## None ##         TDT.uv_subpixel                         movie for subpixel resolution in 1700 & 1600
      ## None ##         cmmodes                                 
      ## None ##         doframe                                 
      ## None ##         exec_list                               
      ## None ##         junk                                    
      Execute List       DPM.util_ExecList                       A sequence to loop through a set of targets and frames
      Execute List       DPM.util_ProcFrm                        To loop through all frames specified in R106-R113
      Frames             DPM.util_ProcFrm                        To loop through all frames specified in R106-R113
      Jpeg Test          COM.dc1_compress_euv                    initial compression tests for EUV wavelengths
      Jpeg Test          COM.dc1_compress_euv2                   more compression tests for EUV wavelengths, just 171 with
      Software Tests     COM.dc1_compress_dark                   some packing and JPEG tests, intended to ferret out
      Software Tests     DPM.test.imax.imin                      a simple I max/I min test
      Software Tests     RAS.brightest_ar.t1                     a proto-type flare sequence
      Software Tests     RAS.flare.sample1                       a proto-type flare sequence
      Software Tests     RAS.flare1.t1                           a proto-type flare sequence
      Software Tests     RAS.seq_flare.2                         a proto-type flare sequence
      Software Tests     RAS.test.imax.imin                      I max/I min test, revised and more complicated for
      Software Tests     RAS.testcomp.long                       some packing and JPEG tests, intended to ferret out
      Software Tests     RAS.testcomp.short                      some packing and JPEG tests, intended to ferret out
      Software Tests     RAS.wl.flaretest                        for ground testing of flare flag
   0: Unknown/not SpecifiSTD.amplifierA                          initialize the default amplifier to A
   0: Unknown/not SpecifiSTD.amplifierB                          initialize the default amplifier to B
   1: Active Region      CCK.arflareresp.1x1.195                 Respond to CCK.arflarewatch.1x1.195
   1: Active Region      CCK.arflareresp.1x1.195_171             Alternative response to CCK.arflarewatch.1x1.195
   1: Active Region      CCK.arflareresp.1x1.CIV                 Respond to CCK.arflarewatch.1x1.CIV 
   1: Active Region      CCK.arflareresp.1x1.all.1               Respond to CCK.arflarewatch.1x1.all.1
   1: Active Region      CCK.arflareresp.1x1.all.2               Respond to CCK.arflarewatch.1x1.all.1
   1: Active Region      CCK.arflarewatch.1x1.195                Test the flare check algorithm with response sequence.
   1: Active Region      CCK.arflarewatch.1x1.CIV                Test the flare check algorithm with response sequence.
   1: Active Region      CCK.arflarewatch.1x1.all.1              Test the flare check algorithm with response sequence.
   1: Active Region      CCK.arflarewatch.1x1.all.2              Test the flare check algorithm with response sequence.
   1: Active Region      CJS.armosaic.7panel.all.1               AR1 (E)UV of central field, EUV mosaic at 195 with 2x2 binning.
   1: Active Region      CJS.scene.ar1.allnoWL                   at ar1, take standard pictures at all wavel. but white light.
   1: Active Region      CJS.tracking.1x1.all1                   at top1, 90 sec. cadence for white light, + UV+EUV interleaved
   1: Active Region      CJS.tracking.1x1.all2                   at top1, 90 sec. cadence for WL, plus UV+EUV interleaved, + FDM
   3: Bright Points      CJS.tracking.1x1.171                    at top1, 90 sec. cadence for WL, 45 sec. for 171 interleaved
   3: Bright Points      CJS.tracking.1x1.all3                   at top1, 90 sec. cadence for WL, + UV and EUV interleaved
   3: Bright Points      CJS.tracking.1x1.all4                   at top1, 90 sec. cadence for WL, + UV and EUV interleaved
   5: Calibration        CJS.crosscaldiskcenter.1x1.all          Provide images at all wavelengths at disk center, low cadence.
   5: Calibration        CJS.deepquietsun.1x1.nowl               Take a range of exposures around optimal AEC in quiet Sun
   5: Calibration        CJS.priocaldiskcenter.1x1.all           EUV+UV+darks at diskcenter, full res., no compr.,small buffer
   5: Calibration        CJS.scene.CDSsynoptic                   Provide images at all wavelengths on central meridian
   5: Calibration        CJS.scene.caldiskcenter.1x1.all         Provide images at all wavelengths and darks at disk center
   5: Calibration        CJW.ccd4_ice                            For cosmetics including possible "ice" 
   5: Calibration        CJW.darks_full_ccd                      Dark current and noise via set of hard and soft dark frames
   5: Calibration        COM.fe1_focus_euv                       Focus tests at 171, 195, 284 using different exposures
   5: Calibration        COM.fe1_focus_uv                        Focus tests in UV CIV triplet and 1216 at set of exposures
   5: Calibration        COM.fe1_focus_wl                        Focus tests in white light only using different exposures
   5: Calibration        COM.ff1_flats_euv                       Make flat field map by using PZT offsets for EUV
   5: Calibration        COM.ff1_flats_wluv                      Make flat field map by using PZT offsets for WL/UV
   5: Calibration        COM.gti6_4limb                          Four-limb alignment test
   5: Calibration        COM.subpixel_wluv                       Test sub_pixel imaging by using PZT offsets for WL/UV
   5: Calibration        DPM.vis_ltc                             Linearity, offset, and "gain" for full CCD in visible light
   5: Calibration        STD.13pos_pzt_ff                        Make flat field map by using 13 PZT offsets 
   5: Calibration        STD.flats_1700                          Make flat field map by using PZT offsets for 1700
   5: Calibration        STD.flats_171                           Make flat field map by using PZT offsets for 171
   5: Calibration        STD.flats_195                           Make flat field map by using PZT offsets for 195
   5: Calibration        STD.flats_284                           Make flat field map by using PZT offsets for 284
   5: Calibration        STD.focus_euv                           Focus tests at 171, 195, 284 at optimal default exposure
   5: Calibration        STD.focus_lyman                         Focus tests at lyman alpha at optimal default exposure
   5: Calibration        STD.focus_wluv                          Focus tests at wl and C IV triplet at optimal default exposure
   5: Calibration        STD.subpixel                            Make subpixel imaging set using 4 PZT offsets 
   5: Calibration 6: Ccd COM.dark_movie                          take movie dark frames, based on COM.ts1_1st_movie
   5: Calibration 6: Ccd STD.dark_set                            Provide dark images at summings 1x1, 2x2 and 4x4
   6: Ccd                STD.CCDsafe                             checks for CCD safety 
   6: Ccd                STD.CCDsafe_init                        initializes counters for CCD safety 
   7: Chromosphere; 8: ChCJS.dynamics.1x1.lymancontext           Obtain a sequence of lyman alpha images at moderate cadence.
  10: Coronal Holes      CCK.northpolar.1x1.171                  polar study, high cadence
  10: Coronal Holes      CCK.northpolar.1x1.all                  polar study, 7.5 min. cadence
  10: Coronal Holes      CCK.southpolar.1x1.171                  polar study, high cadence
  10: Coronal Holes      CCK.southpolar.1x1.all                  polar study, 7.5 min. cadence
  10: Coronal Holes      CJS.qschinterface.1x1.all1              at top1, 90 sec. cadence for WL +1550+171+195 interleaved
  11: Coronal Mass EjectiDC.filament.mix.all1                    Observe a filament, 1x1 with 2x2 interleaved.
  15: Emerging Flux      CJS.qschinterface.1x1.all1              at top1, 90 sec. cadence for WL +1550+171+195 interleaved
  15: Emerging Flux      CJS.tracking.1x1.171                    at top1, 90 sec. cadence for WL, 45 sec. for 171 interleaved
  15: Emerging Flux      CJS.tracking.1x1.all1                   at top1, 90 sec. cadence for white light, + UV+EUV interleaved
  15: Emerging Flux      CJS.tracking.1x1.all2                   at top1, 90 sec. cadence for WL, plus UV+EUV interleaved, + FDM
  15: Emerging Flux      CJS.tracking.1x1.all3                   at top1, 90 sec. cadence for WL, + UV and EUV interleaved
  15: Emerging Flux      CJS.tracking.1x1.all4                   at top1, 90 sec. cadence for WL, + UV and EUV interleaved
  16: Filaments          DC.filament.1x1.HI                      Observe a filament or channel at high cadence
  16: Filaments          DC.filament.2x2.all                     Observe a filament or channel in EUV and Lyman alpha
  16: Filaments          DC.filament.mix.all1                    Observe a filament, 1x1 with 2x2 interleaved.
  17: Flares             CCK.arflareresp.1x1.195                 Respond to CCK.arflarewatch.1x1.195
  17: Flares             CCK.arflareresp.1x1.195_171             Alternative response to CCK.arflarewatch.1x1.195
  17: Flares             CCK.arflareresp.1x1.CIV                 Respond to CCK.arflarewatch.1x1.CIV 
  17: Flares             CCK.arflareresp.1x1.all.1               Respond to CCK.arflarewatch.1x1.all.1
  17: Flares             CCK.arflareresp.1x1.all.2               Respond to CCK.arflarewatch.1x1.all.1
  17: Flares             CCK.arflarewatch.1x1.195                Test the flare check algorithm with response sequence.
  17: Flares             CCK.arflarewatch.1x1.CIV                Test the flare check algorithm with response sequence.
  17: Flares             CCK.arflarewatch.1x1.all.1              Test the flare check algorithm with response sequence.
  17: Flares             CCK.arflarewatch.1x1.all.2              Test the flare check algorithm with response sequence.
  17: Flares             CJS.qrflarewatch.1x1.euv.1              Test the flare check algorithm and Quiet Sun variability
  19: Flows              CJS.qschinterface.1x1.all1              at top1, 90 sec. cadence for WL +1550+171+195 interleaved
  19: Flows              CJS.tracking.1x1.171                    at top1, 90 sec. cadence for WL, 45 sec. for 171 interleaved
  19: Flows              CJS.tracking.1x1.all1                   at top1, 90 sec. cadence for white light, + UV+EUV interleaved
  19: Flows              CJS.tracking.1x1.all2                   at top1, 90 sec. cadence for WL, plus UV+EUV interleaved, + FDM
  19: Flows              CJS.tracking.1x1.all3                   at top1, 90 sec. cadence for WL, + UV and EUV interleaved
  19: Flows              CJS.tracking.1x1.all4                   at top1, 90 sec. cadence for WL, + UV and EUV interleaved
  21: Hardware Tests     COM.acs3_offset_EW                      First Offset Pointing Test, EW Direction
  21: Hardware Tests     COM.acs3_offset_NS                      First Offset Pointing Test, NS Direction
  21: Hardware Tests     COM.af1_front_al                        Front Aluminum filter integrity
  21: Hardware Tests     COM.af2_back_al                         Back Aluminum filter integrity
  21: Hardware Tests     COM.gti0_diodes                         Diode Intensity Check
  21: Hardware Tests     COM.gti3_pzt_offset                     Calibrate PZT offsets
  21: Hardware Tests     COM.gti6_4limb                          Four-limb alignment test
  24: Limb               CCK.eastlimb.2x1.all                    EUV limb study
  24: Limb               CCK.eastlimb.3x2.Fe12Fe15               EUV limb study
  24: Limb               CCK.westlimb.2x1.all                    EUV limb study
  24: Limb               CCK.westlimb.3x2.Fe12Fe15               EUV limb study
  25: Loops              CCK.eastlimb.2x1.all                    EUV limb study
  25: Loops              CCK.eastlimb.3x2.Fe12Fe15               EUV limb study
  25: Loops              CCK.westlimb.2x1.all                    EUV limb study
  25: Loops              CCK.westlimb.3x2.Fe12Fe15               EUV limb study
  25: Loops              CJS.armosaic.7panel.all.1               AR1 (E)UV of central field, EUV mosaic at 195 with 2x2 binning.
  25: Loops              CJS.qrmosaic.7panel.all.1               at QR1, UV single panel + mosaic 7 panels at 195A 2x2 binned
  25: Loops              CJS.scene.ar1.allnoWL                   at ar1, take standard pictures at all wavel. but white light.
  25: Loops              CJS.scene.qr1.allnoWL                   at qr1, take standard pictures at all wavelengths except WL
  25: Loops; 29: MorpholoCJS.slowdynamics.1x1.CIVcontext         Obtain a sequence of C IV images at moderate cadence.
  29: Morphology         CCK.northpolar.1x1.171                  polar study, high cadence
  29: Morphology         CCK.northpolar.3x1.1wave                Fe XII plume morphology study
  29: Morphology         CCK.southpolar.1x1.171                  polar study, high cadence
  29: Morphology         CCK.southpolar.3x1.1wave                Fe XII plume morphology study
  30: Nanoflares         CJS.armosaic.7panel.all.1               AR1 (E)UV of central field, EUV mosaic at 195 with 2x2 binning.
  30: Nanoflares         CJS.qrmosaic.7panel.all.1               at QR1, UV single panel + mosaic 7 panels at 195A 2x2 binned
  30: Nanoflares         CJS.scene.ar1.allnoWL                   at ar1, take standard pictures at all wavel. but white light.
  30: Nanoflares         CJS.scene.qr1.allnoWL                   at qr1, take standard pictures at all wavelengths except WL
  30: Nanoflares; 53: TraCJS.fastdynamics.1x1.CIVcontext         Obtain a sequence of C IV images (512x512) at highest cadence.
  31: Onboard Software   CCK.arflareresp.1x1.195                 Respond to CCK.arflarewatch.1x1.195
  31: Onboard Software   CCK.arflareresp.1x1.195_171             Alternative response to CCK.arflarewatch.1x1.195
  31: Onboard Software   CCK.arflareresp.1x1.CIV                 Respond to CCK.arflarewatch.1x1.CIV 
  31: Onboard Software   CCK.arflareresp.1x1.all.1               Respond to CCK.arflarewatch.1x1.all.1
  31: Onboard Software   CCK.arflareresp.1x1.all.2               Respond to CCK.arflarewatch.1x1.all.1
  31: Onboard Software   CCK.arflarewatch.1x1.195                Test the flare check algorithm with response sequence.
  31: Onboard Software   CCK.arflarewatch.1x1.CIV                Test the flare check algorithm with response sequence.
  31: Onboard Software   CCK.arflarewatch.1x1.all.1              Test the flare check algorithm with response sequence.
  31: Onboard Software   CCK.arflarewatch.1x1.all.2              Test the flare check algorithm with response sequence.
  31: Onboard Software   CJS.qrflarewatch.1x1.euv.1              Test the flare check algorithm and Quiet Sun variability
  31: Onboard Software   DC.filament.1x1.HI                      Observe a filament or channel at high cadence
  31: Onboard Software   DC.filament.2x2.all                     Observe a filament or channel in EUV and Lyman alpha
  31: Onboard Software   DC.filament.mix.all1                    Observe a filament, 1x1 with 2x2 interleaved.
  33: Pointing           COM.gti6_4limb                          Four-limb alignment test
  34: Polar Regions      CCK.northpolar.1x1.171                  polar study, high cadence
  34: Polar Regions      CCK.northpolar.1x1.all                  polar study, 7.5 min. cadence
  34: Polar Regions      CCK.northpolar.3x1.1wave                Fe XII plume morphology study
  34: Polar Regions      CCK.northpolar.east.multi               polar plumes study
  34: Polar Regions      CCK.northpolar.fan.multi                polar plumes study
  34: Polar Regions      CCK.northpolar.west.multi               polar plumes study
  34: Polar Regions      CCK.southpolar.1x1.171                  polar study, high cadence
  34: Polar Regions      CCK.southpolar.1x1.all                  polar study, 7.5 min. cadence
  34: Polar Regions      CCK.southpolar.3x1.1wave                Fe XII plume morphology study
  34: Polar Regions      CCK.southpolar.east.multi               polar plumes study
  34: Polar Regions      CCK.southpolar.fan.multi                polar plumes study
  34: Polar Regions      CCK.southpolar.west.multi               polar plumes study
  34: Polar Regions      CJS.scene.northbelt.5x1.all             northern act. belt of a full-disk mosaic at all wavelengths
  34: Polar Regions      CJS.scene.northswath.4x1.all            northernmost swath of a full-disk mosaic at all wavelengths
  34: Polar Regions      CJS.scene.southswath.4x1.all            northernmost swath of a full-disk mosaic at all wavelengths
  35: Prominences        CCK.eastlimb.2x1.all                    EUV limb study
  35: Prominences        CCK.westlimb.2x1.all                    EUV limb study
  36: Quiet Sun          CJS.deepquietsun.1x1.nowl               Take a range of exposures around optimal AEC in quiet Sun
  36: Quiet Sun          CJS.qrflarewatch.1x1.euv.1              Test the flare check algorithm and Quiet Sun variability
  36: Quiet Sun          CJS.qrmosaic.7panel.all.1               at QR1, UV single panel + mosaic 7 panels at 195A 2x2 binned
  36: Quiet Sun          CJS.qschinterface.1x1.all1              at top1, 90 sec. cadence for WL +1550+171+195 interleaved
  36: Quiet Sun          CJS.scene.qr1.allnoWL                   at qr1, take standard pictures at all wavelengths except WL
  36: Quiet Sun          CJS.tracking.1x1.171                    at top1, 90 sec. cadence for WL, 45 sec. for 171 interleaved
  36: Quiet Sun          CJS.tracking.1x1.all1                   at top1, 90 sec. cadence for white light, + UV+EUV interleaved
  36: Quiet Sun          CJS.tracking.1x1.all2                   at top1, 90 sec. cadence for WL, plus UV+EUV interleaved, + FDM
  36: Quiet Sun          CJS.tracking.1x1.all3                   at top1, 90 sec. cadence for WL, + UV and EUV interleaved
  36: Quiet Sun          CJS.tracking.1x1.all4                   at top1, 90 sec. cadence for WL, + UV and EUV interleaved
  42: Iss Tests          COM.gti1_gt_cal                         Measure displacement of image for given error signal.
  42: Iss Tests          COM.gti4_pzt_gain                       Measure displacement of image for given PZT signal.
  42: Iss Tests          DPM.gti1_gt_cal                         Measure displacement of image for given error signal.
  42: Iss Tests          DPM.gti4_pzt_gain                       Measure displacement of image for given PZT signal.
  42: Iss Tests          DPM.iss_disp_errs                       Measure displacement of image for given error signal.
  42: Iss Tests          DPM.junk                                Measure displacement of image for given PZT signal.
  42: Iss Tests          DPM.scene                               
  42: Iss Tests          STD.13pos_pzt_ff                        Make flat field map by using 13 PZT offsets 
  42: Iss Tests          STD.ISS_close_loop                      Close ISS loop
  42: Iss Tests          STD.ISS_open_loop                       Open ISS loop
  42: Iss Tests          STD.subpixel                            Make subpixel imaging set using 4 PZT offsets 
  42: Software Tests     CCK.aec1                                AEC test at wl, 1600, 1550, 195
  42: Software Tests     CCK.arflareresp.1x1.195                 Respond to CCK.arflarewatch.1x1.195
  42: Software Tests     CCK.arflareresp.1x1.195_171             Alternative response to CCK.arflarewatch.1x1.195
  42: Software Tests     CCK.arflareresp.1x1.CIV                 Respond to CCK.arflarewatch.1x1.CIV 
  42: Software Tests     CCK.arflareresp.1x1.all.1               Respond to CCK.arflarewatch.1x1.all.1
  42: Software Tests     CCK.arflareresp.1x1.all.2               Respond to CCK.arflarewatch.1x1.all.1
  42: Software Tests     CCK.arflarewatch.1x1.195                Test the flare check algorithm with response sequence.
  42: Software Tests     CCK.arflarewatch.1x1.CIV                Test the flare check algorithm with response sequence.
  42: Software Tests     CCK.arflarewatch.1x1.all.1              Test the flare check algorithm with response sequence.
  42: Software Tests     CCK.arflarewatch.1x1.all.2              Test the flare check algorithm with response sequence.
  42: Software Tests     CJS.qrflarewatch.1x1.euv.1              Test the flare check algorithm and Quiet Sun variability
  42: Software Tests     COM.aec1_euv                            AEC test at wl, 1600, 1550, 195
  42: Software Tests     COM.aec2_euv                            AEC test at 195
  42: Software Tests     COM.aec2_wluv                           AEC test at wl, 1600, 1550, 1216
  42: Software Tests     COM.aec_wluv                            AEC test at white light. Intended for use with lamp.
  42: Software Tests     COM.cjs_misctests                       Sequence to test some software options not routinely used
  42: Software Tests     COM.cjs_misctests2                      Subsequence to test some software options not routinely used
  42: Software Tests     DC.filament.1x1.HI                      Observe a filament or channel at high cadence
  42: Software Tests     DC.filament.2x2.all                     Observe a filament or channel in EUV and Lyman alpha
  42: Software Tests     DC.filament.mix.all1                    Observe a filament, 1x1 with 2x2 interleaved.
  42: Software Tests     DPM.CCDProt_dis                         Setup parameters for CCD safety checks. 
  42: Software Tests     DPM.fast_mosaic                         Do Full Disk Mosaic with no delays
  42: Software Tests     DPM.ift_Fill_SmallBuf1                  To fill Small buffer # 1. 
  42: Software Tests     DPM.ift_Fill_SmallBuf2                  To fill Small buffer # 1. 
  42: Software Tests     DPM.ift_Fill_SmallBuf3                  To fill Small buffer # 3. 
  42: Software Tests     DPM.ift_Fill_SmallBuf4                  To fill Small buffer # 1. 
  42: Software Tests     DPM.ift_aec_test                        Outputs image data and it's histogram
  42: Software Tests     DPM.ift_cmmodes                         Sequence of images in all camera modes
  42: Software Tests     DPM.ift_fast                            Run a sequence to time average data
  42: Software Tests     DPM.ift_focus                           Test Focus offsets.
  42: Software Tests     DPM.ift_focus_series                    Focus series.
  42: Software Tests     DPM.ift_hist                            Outputs image data and it's histogram
  42: Software Tests     DPM.ift_hist_test                       Outputs image data and it's histogram
  42: Software Tests     DPM.ift_mosaic                          Do Full Disk Mosaic with no delays
  42: Software Tests     DPM.ift_mosaic_1                        Do Full Disk Mosaic 
  42: Software Tests     DPM.ift_pics                            Takes dark frames until stopped 
  42: Software Tests     DPM.ift_sbfill                          To fill Small buffer. 
  42: Software Tests     DPM.ift_sblock_test                     To test small buffer locking process.
  42: Software Tests     DPM.ift_short_focus_series              Short Focus series.
  42: Software Tests     DPM.ift_speed1024                       To take full frame pictures as fast as possible.
  42: Software Tests     DPM.ift_speed1024j                      To take full frame pictures as fast as possible.
  42: Software Tests     DPM.ift_speed1024s                      To take full frame pictures as fast as possible.
  42: Software Tests     DPM.ift_speed64                         To take pictures as fast as possible.
  42: Software Tests     DPM.ift_speed64_delay                   To take 64x64 images with 1 tick delay.
  42: Software Tests     DPM.ift_timavg                          Run a sequence to time average data
  42: Software Tests     DPM.ift_transchk                        Run a sequence to time average data
  42: Software Tests     DPM.ift_wlscan                          Scan the entire wavelength table.
  42: Software Tests     DPM.mosaic_30s                          Do Full Disk Mosaic 
  42: Software Tests     DPM.mosaic_30s_delay                    Do Full Disk Mosaic 
  42: Software Tests     DPM.qs_test16                           Move QS to every position from every position.
  42: Software Tests     DPM.safety_chk                          Checks CCD safety code. 
  42: Software Tests     DPM.safety_prm                          Setup parameters for CCD safety checks. 
  42: Software Tests     DPM.sbfill_test                         To fill Small buffer. 
  42: Software Tests     DPM.speed64_hp                          To take pictures as fast as possible.
  42: Software Tests     DPM.sqt_addrchk                         Sequence of images in all camera modes
  42: Software Tests     DPM.sqt_amptest                         Takes frames using both amplifiers 
  42: Software Tests     DPM.sqt_chk64x128                       To take pictures as fast as possible.
  42: Software Tests     DPM.sqt_execlist                        Scan the entire wavelength table.
  42: Software Tests     DPM.sqt_extst                           Sequence of images with different offsets
  42: Software Tests     DPM.sqt_jpgtst                          To take pictures as fast as possible and JPG compress them.
  42: Software Tests     DPM.sqt_misctest                        Sequence to test some software options not routinely used
  42: Software Tests     DPM.sqt_pics3                           Downlinks 3 full frame areas per frame 
  42: Software Tests     DPM.sqt_small_pics                      To take 64x64 pictures continuously.
  42: Software Tests     DPM.sqt_speed64_dark                    To take dark pictures as fast as possible.
  42: Software Tests     DPM.sw1_dhc_fncal                       Outputs image data and it's histogram
  42: Software Tests     DPM.transient_test_wl                   Test of the transient flag, using high and low thresholds
  42: Software Tests     MDM.qs_test32                           Move QS to every position from every position and then
  42: Software Tests     MDM.qs_test4                            Move QS to position B B C C B B ... for 100 frames
  42: Software Tests     MDM.test_mosaic64dark                   Exercise the wedge motors by running "mosaic" up
  42: Software Tests     MDM.test_soft_dark                      To take soft dark frames.
  42: Standard Dumps     DPM.sw3_table_dump                      Dumps DHC Page3 (COntains all tables)
  42: Standard Utility   DPM.flare_check                         Call a sequence to check for flare.
  42: Standard Utility   DPM.flare_check_init                    Initialize flare check parameters for STD.flare_check.
  42: Standard Utility   DPM.flare_chk1                          Call a sequence to check for flare.
  42: Standard Utility   DPM.sqt_flrchk_test                     Test flare check sequences 
  42: Standard Utility   STD.repoint_top1                        Point to target-of-opportunity 1
  42: Standard Utility   STD.repoint_top2                        Point to target-of-opportunity 2
  42: Standard Utility   STD.repoint_top3                        Point to target-of-opportunity 3
  42: Standard Utility   STD.reset_regs                          Reset Event flag registers.
  43: Solar Cycle        CJS.scene.equator.6x1.all               northern act. belt of a full-disk mosaic at all wavelengths
  43: Solar Cycle        CJS.scene.southbelt.5x1.all             northern act. belt of a full-disk mosaic at all wavelengths
  47: Spicules           TDT.trfast                              Fast fluctuations in the transition region 
  49: Synoptic           CJS.failsafe.mdicenter                  EUV+UV at MDI fov, low cadence, high compression.
  49: Synoptic           CJS.failsafe.norepoint                  EUV+UV at current pointing, low cadence, high compression
  49: Synoptic           CJS.priocaldiskcenter.1x1.all           EUV+UV+darks at diskcenter, full res., no compr.,small buffer
  49: Synoptic           CJS.scene.CDSsynoptic                   Provide images at all wavelengths on central meridian
  49: Synoptic           CJS.scene.caldiskcenter.1x1.all         Provide images at all wavelengths and darks at disk center
  49: Synoptic           CJS.scene.equator.6x1.all               northern act. belt of a full-disk mosaic at all wavelengths
  49: Synoptic           CJS.scene.fulldisk.allpanel.1wave       make a full-disk mosaic at only one wavelength (Lyman alpha)
  49: Synoptic           CJS.scene.fulldisk.allpanel.all         make a full-disk mosaic at all wavelengths
  49: Synoptic           CJS.scene.northbelt.5x1.all             northern act. belt of a full-disk mosaic at all wavelengths
  49: Synoptic           CJS.scene.northswath.4x1.all            northernmost swath of a full-disk mosaic at all wavelengths
  49: Synoptic           CJS.scene.priofulldisk.allpanel.1wave   make a full-disk mosaic at only one wavelength (195A)
  49: Synoptic           CJS.scene.priofulldisk.allpanel.all     make a full-disk mosaic at all wavelengths, at high priority
  49: Synoptic           CJS.scene.southbelt.5x1.all             northern act. belt of a full-disk mosaic at all wavelengths
  49: Synoptic           CJS.scene.southswath.4x1.all            northernmost swath of a full-disk mosaic at all wavelengths
  51: Temperature        CCK.eastlimb.2x1.all                    EUV limb study
  51: Temperature        CCK.eastlimb.3x2.Fe12Fe15               EUV limb study
  51: Temperature        CCK.northpolar.1x1.all                  polar study, 7.5 min. cadence
  51: Temperature        CCK.northpolar.east.multi               polar plumes study
  51: Temperature        CCK.northpolar.fan.multi                polar plumes study
  51: Temperature        CCK.northpolar.west.multi               polar plumes study
  51: Temperature        CCK.southpolar.1x1.all                  polar study, 7.5 min. cadence
  51: Temperature        CCK.southpolar.east.multi               polar plumes study
  51: Temperature        CCK.southpolar.fan.multi                polar plumes study
  51: Temperature        CCK.southpolar.west.multi               polar plumes study
  51: Temperature        CCK.westlimb.2x1.all                    EUV limb study
  51: Temperature        CCK.westlimb.3x2.Fe12Fe15               EUV limb study
  52: Transients         DC.filament.mix.all1                    Observe a filament, 1x1 with 2x2 interleaved.
  53: Transition Region  TDT.trfast                              Fast fluctuations in the transition region 
  55: Waves              TDT.trfast                              Fast fluctuations in the transition region 
 100: Jop With Soho      CJS.failsafe.mdicenter                  EUV+UV at MDI fov, low cadence, high compression.
 100: Jop With Soho      CJS.failsafe.norepoint                  EUV+UV at current pointing, low cadence, high compression