## NONE ##          CJS.failsafe.norepoint                  EUV+UV at current pointing, low cadence, high compression
$l1                 CJS.tracking.1x1.all2                   at top1, 90 sec. cadence for WL, plus UV+EUV interleaved, + FDM
$list$ar1.7panel    CJS.armosaic.7panel.all.1               AR1 (E)UV of central field, EUV mosaic at 195 with 2x2 binning.
$list$equator       CJS.scene.equator.6x1.all               northern act. belt of a full-disk mosaic at all wavelengths
$list$equator       CJS.scene.fulldisk.allpanel.all         make a full-disk mosaic at all wavelengths
$list$fullmosaic    CJS.scene.fulldisk.allpanel.1wave       make a full-disk mosaic at only one wavelength (Lyman alpha)
$list$fullmosaic    CJS.scene.priofulldisk.allpanel.1wave   make a full-disk mosaic at only one wavelength (195A)
$list$fullmosaic    CJS.scene.priofulldisk.allpanel.all     make a full-disk mosaic at all wavelengths, at high priority
$list$northbelt     CJS.scene.fulldisk.allpanel.all         make a full-disk mosaic at all wavelengths
$list$northbelt     CJS.scene.northbelt.5x1.all             northern act. belt of a full-disk mosaic at all wavelengths
$list$northswath    CJS.scene.fulldisk.allpanel.all         make a full-disk mosaic at all wavelengths
$list$northswath    CJS.scene.northswath.4x1.all            northernmost swath of a full-disk mosaic at all wavelengths
$list$qr1.7panel    CJS.qrmosaic.7panel.all.1               at QR1, UV single panel + mosaic 7 panels at 195A 2x2 binned
$list$southbelt     CJS.scene.fulldisk.allpanel.all         make a full-disk mosaic at all wavelengths
$list$southbelt     CJS.scene.southbelt.5x1.all             northern act. belt of a full-disk mosaic at all wavelengths
$list$southswath    CJS.scene.fulldisk.allpanel.all         make a full-disk mosaic at all wavelengths
$list$southswath    CJS.scene.southswath.4x1.all            northernmost swath of a full-disk mosaic at all wavelengths
ar1                 CJS.scene.ar1.allnoWL                   at ar1, take standard pictures at all wavel. but white light.
diskcenter          CJS.crosscaldiskcenter.1x1.all          Provide images at all wavelengths at disk center, low cadence.
diskcenter          CJS.priocaldiskcenter.1x1.all           EUV+UV+darks at diskcenter, full res., no compr.,small buffer
diskcenter          CJS.priocaldiskcenter.1x1.all           EUV+UV+darks at diskcenter, full res., no compr.,small buffer
diskcenter          CJS.scene.caldiskcenter.1x1.all         Provide images at all wavelengths and darks at disk center
mdicenter           CJS.failsafe.mdicenter                  EUV+UV at MDI fov, low cadence, high compression.
named.pos07         CJS.scene.CDSsynoptic                   Provide images at all wavelengths on central meridian
named.pos18         CJS.scene.CDSsynoptic                   Provide images at all wavelengths on central meridian
named.pos27         CJS.scene.CDSsynoptic                   Provide images at all wavelengths on central meridian
named.pos30         CJS.scene.CDSsynoptic                   Provide images at all wavelengths on central meridian
qr1                 CJS.deepquietsun.1x1.nowl               Take a range of exposures around optimal AEC in quiet Sun
qr1                 CJS.fastdynamics.1x1.CIVcontext         Obtain a sequence of C IV images (512x512) at highest cadence.
qr1                 CJS.qrflarewatch.1x1.euv.1              Test the flare check algorithm and Quiet Sun variability
qr1                 CJS.scene.qr1.allnoWL                   at qr1, take standard pictures at all wavelengths except WL
top1                CJS.dynamics.1x1.lymancontext           Obtain a sequence of lyman alpha images at moderate cadence.
top1                CJS.qschinterface.1x1.all1              at top1, 90 sec. cadence for WL +1550+171+195 interleaved
top1                CJS.qschinterface.1x1.all1              at top1, 90 sec. cadence for WL +1550+171+195 interleaved
top1                CJS.slowdynamics.1x1.CIVcontext         Obtain a sequence of C IV images at moderate cadence.
top1                CJS.tracking.1x1.171                    at top1, 90 sec. cadence for WL, 45 sec. for 171 interleaved
top1                CJS.tracking.1x1.171                    at top1, 90 sec. cadence for WL, 45 sec. for 171 interleaved
top1                CJS.tracking.1x1.all1                   at top1, 90 sec. cadence for white light, + UV+EUV interleaved
top1                CJS.tracking.1x1.all1                   at top1, 90 sec. cadence for white light, + UV+EUV interleaved
top1                CJS.tracking.1x1.all2                   at top1, 90 sec. cadence for WL, plus UV+EUV interleaved, + FDM
top1                CJS.tracking.1x1.all2                   at top1, 90 sec. cadence for WL, plus UV+EUV interleaved, + FDM
top1                CJS.tracking.1x1.all3                   at top1, 90 sec. cadence for WL, + UV and EUV interleaved
top1                CJS.tracking.1x1.all3                   at top1, 90 sec. cadence for WL, + UV and EUV interleaved
top1                CJS.tracking.1x1.all4                   at top1, 90 sec. cadence for WL, + UV and EUV interleaved
top1                CJS.tracking.1x1.all4                   at top1, 90 sec. cadence for WL, + UV and EUV interleaved