## NONE ##          DPM.CCDProt_dis                         Setup parameters for CCD safety checks. 
## NONE ##          DPM.UTL_ExecList                        
## NONE ##          DPM.UTL_ProcFrm                         
## NONE ##          DPM.UTL_procfrm                         
## NONE ##          DPM.flare_check                         Call a sequence to check for flare.
## NONE ##          DPM.flare_check_init                    Initialize flare check parameters for STD.flare_check.
## NONE ##          DPM.flare_chk1                          Call a sequence to check for flare.
## NONE ##          DPM.gti1_gt_cal                         Measure displacement of image for given error signal.
## NONE ##          DPM.gti4_pzt_gain                       Measure displacement of image for given PZT signal.
## NONE ##          DPM.ift_Fill_SmallBuf1                  To fill Small buffer # 1. 
## NONE ##          DPM.ift_Fill_SmallBuf2                  To fill Small buffer # 1. 
## NONE ##          DPM.ift_Fill_SmallBuf3                  To fill Small buffer # 3. 
## NONE ##          DPM.ift_Fill_SmallBuf4                  To fill Small buffer # 1. 
## NONE ##          DPM.ift_aec_test                        Outputs image data and it's histogram
## NONE ##          DPM.ift_fast                            Run a sequence to time average data
## NONE ##          DPM.ift_focus                           Test Focus offsets.
## NONE ##          DPM.ift_focus_series                    Focus series.
## NONE ##          DPM.ift_hist                            Outputs image data and it's histogram
## NONE ##          DPM.ift_hist_test                       Outputs image data and it's histogram
## NONE ##          DPM.ift_pics                            Takes dark frames until stopped 
## NONE ##          DPM.ift_sbfill                          To fill Small buffer. 
## NONE ##          DPM.ift_sblock_test                     To test small buffer locking process.
## NONE ##          DPM.ift_short_focus_series              Short Focus series.
## NONE ##          DPM.ift_speed1024                       To take full frame pictures as fast as possible.
## NONE ##          DPM.ift_speed1024j                      To take full frame pictures as fast as possible.
## NONE ##          DPM.ift_speed1024s                      To take full frame pictures as fast as possible.
## NONE ##          DPM.ift_speed64                         To take pictures as fast as possible.
## NONE ##          DPM.ift_speed64_delay                   To take 64x64 images with 1 tick delay.
## NONE ##          DPM.ift_timavg                          Run a sequence to time average data
## NONE ##          DPM.ift_transchk                        Run a sequence to time average data
## NONE ##          DPM.iss_disp_errs                       Measure displacement of image for given error signal.
## NONE ##          DPM.junk                                Measure displacement of image for given PZT signal.
## NONE ##          DPM.qs_test16                           Move QS to every position from every position.
## NONE ##          DPM.safety_chk                          Checks CCD safety code. 
## NONE ##          DPM.safety_prm                          Setup parameters for CCD safety checks. 
## NONE ##          DPM.sbfill_test                         To fill Small buffer. 
## NONE ##          DPM.scene                               
## NONE ##          DPM.speed64_hp                          To take pictures as fast as possible.
## NONE ##          DPM.sqt_addrchk                         Sequence of images in all camera modes
## NONE ##          DPM.sqt_amptest                         Takes frames using both amplifiers 
## NONE ##          DPM.sqt_chk64x128                       To take pictures as fast as possible.
## NONE ##          DPM.sqt_flrchk_test                     Test flare check sequences 
## NONE ##          DPM.sqt_jpgtst                          To take pictures as fast as possible and JPG compress them.
## NONE ##          DPM.sqt_pics3                           Downlinks 3 full frame areas per frame 
## NONE ##          DPM.sqt_small_pics                      To take 64x64 pictures continuously.
## NONE ##          DPM.sqt_speed64_dark                    To take dark pictures as fast as possible.
## NONE ##          DPM.sw1_dhc_fncal                       Outputs image data and it's histogram
## NONE ##          DPM.sw3_table_dump                      Dumps DHC Page3 (COntains all tables)
## NONE ##          DPM.test.imax.imin                      a simple I max/I min test
## NONE ##          DPM.transient_test_wl                   Test of the transient flag, using high and low thresholds
## NONE ##          DPM.util_ExecList                       A sequence to loop through a set of targets and frames
## NONE ##          DPM.util_ProcFrm                        To loop through all frames specified in R106-R113
## NONE ##          cmmodes                                 
## NONE ##          doframe                                 
## NONE ##          exec_list                               
$list$fullmosaic    DPM.fast_mosaic                         Do Full Disk Mosaic with no delays
$list$fullmosaic    DPM.ift_mosaic                          Do Full Disk Mosaic with no delays
$list$fullmosaic    DPM.ift_mosaic_1                        Do Full Disk Mosaic 
$list$fullmosaic    DPM.mosaic_30s                          Do Full Disk Mosaic 
$list$fullmosaic    DPM.mosaic_30s_delay                    Do Full Disk Mosaic 
$list$northcap      DPM.sqt_execlist                        Scan the entire wavelength table.
@nomove             DPM.ift_cmmodes                         Sequence of images in all camera modes
@nomove             DPM.ift_wlscan                          Scan the entire wavelength table.
@nomove             DPM.sqt_extst                           Sequence of images with different offsets
@nomove             DPM.vis_ltc                             Linearity, offset, and "gain" for full CCD in visible light
mdicenter           DPM.sqt_misctest                        Sequence to test some software options not routinely used