0: Unknown/not SpecifiSTD.amplifierA initialize the default amplifier to A 0: Unknown/not SpecifiSTD.amplifierB initialize the default amplifier to B 5: Calibration STD.13pos_pzt_ff Make flat field map by using 13 PZT offsets 5: Calibration STD.flats_1700 Make flat field map by using PZT offsets for 1700 5: Calibration STD.flats_171 Make flat field map by using PZT offsets for 171 5: Calibration STD.flats_195 Make flat field map by using PZT offsets for 195 5: Calibration STD.flats_284 Make flat field map by using PZT offsets for 284 5: Calibration STD.focus_euv Focus tests at 171, 195, 284 at optimal default exposure 5: Calibration STD.focus_lyman Focus tests at lyman alpha at optimal default exposure 5: Calibration STD.focus_wluv Focus tests at wl and C IV triplet at optimal default exposure 5: Calibration STD.subpixel Make subpixel imaging set using 4 PZT offsets 5: Calibration 6: Ccd STD.dark_set Provide dark images at summings 1x1, 2x2 and 4x4 6: Ccd STD.CCDsafe checks for CCD safety 6: Ccd STD.CCDsafe_init initializes counters for CCD safety 42: Iss Tests STD.13pos_pzt_ff Make flat field map by using 13 PZT offsets 42: Iss Tests STD.ISS_close_loop Close ISS loop 42: Iss Tests STD.ISS_open_loop Open ISS loop 42: Iss Tests STD.subpixel Make subpixel imaging set using 4 PZT offsets 42: Standard Utility STD.repoint_top1 Point to target-of-opportunity 1 42: Standard Utility STD.repoint_top2 Point to target-of-opportunity 2 42: Standard Utility STD.repoint_top3 Point to target-of-opportunity 3 42: Standard Utility STD.reset_regs Reset Event flag registers.