
DateTimes (UT)Primary WavelengthsContext Wavelengths
07-Dec-199812:59:03.55 - 13:55:59.301711600, WL
11-Dec-199816:03:40.32 - 19:54:00.801711600, WL
26-Dec-199800:28:03.66 - 23:59:45.131711600, WL
27-Dec-199803:59:02.47 - 23:59:56.671711600, WL
28-Dec-199804:15:56.92 - 23:59:55.151711600, WL
29-Dec-199800:00:03.70 - 23:15:29.951711600, WL
30-Dec-199800:00:35.75 - 00:59:32.651711600, WL
30-Dec-199804:51:54.56 - 23:39:23.901711600, WL

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