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Results for the May 16 flare

Table 1 shows the data. +45, etc. indicates the direction of the arm of the diffraction pattern; +45 indicates 45 degrees up from right, -45 indicates 45 degrees down from right, etc.

Table 1: Intensities of each peak in the diffraction pattern: May 16, 1999
order# ($m$) +45 +135 -135 -45 average st. dev.
1 20578.4 20235 27072 25751.2 23409 3511
2 20779.8 18306 20992 - 20026 1493
3 18612.2 17100 13721.6 13161.4 15649 2632
4 11919.6 11960 13790 11586.4 12314 998
5 6980.4 7954 6177.6 6901.2 7003 729
6 3697.4 3650 2705 3908.8 3490 535
7 1016.4 1352 1584 1028.5 1245 274
8 - 171.5 - 91.2 131 57
9 0 0 0 0 0 -
10 345.6 399 262.5 324 333 57
11 699.6 907.2 815 489.6 728 180
12 985.8 1440 1170 980 1144 216
13 984 1505 1320 817.6 1157 312
14 608 837 745.2 562.5 688 125
15 - - 800 365.7 583 307
16 - - 0 0 0 -
17 - - 0 0 0 -
18 - - 0 0 0 -
19 - - 0 0 0 -
20 - - 253 255 254 1.4
21 - - 279 245.7 262 34
22 - - 204 202.1 203 2.3
23 - - 369.6 - 369.6 -

The value of $b/a$: Analyzing the data, we see that the intensity of the peaks drops to zero slightly before the 9th order (because the 8th order is much dimmer than the 10th order), and right between the 17th and 18th orders. So the intensity vanishes close to every 9 orders. We conclude that $b/a$ must be close to an even fraction of 9, such as $\frac{7}{9}$, $\frac{5}{9}$, etc. The transmission of the grating is 82%, and since $b$ is the width of the opening and $a$ is the distance between openings, $(b/a)^{2} = .82$, or $b/a \approx 0.905$. The closest fraction of 9 to 0.9 is $\frac{8}{9}$ = 0.889. Since the graph actually dips slightly more often than every 9 orders, $b/a$ is probably slightly smaller than $\frac{8}{9}$. The value that best fits the zeroes of the orders is 0.885.

Fig. 5 shows that the theoretical curve fits the data very well. This would lead us to believe that we have used the correct theoretical representation of the diffraction pattern.

Figure 5: The dotted line represents \( I(m) = I(0)\left(\frac{\sin m\pi b/a}{m\pi b/a}\right)^{2} \) (where $b/a$ = 0.885)
\epsfxsize = 5in \epsfbox {diffraction/smallgraph.eps} \end{center} \end{figure}

Using Equation (4), we can take any order peak and plug the intensity in as $I(m)$, and divide by the modulating function to find $I(0)$. We used the first seven orders to calculate an average extrapolated value for $I(0)$ (see Table 2).

Table 2: Predicted intensity of zeroth order
order# Average $I(m)$ Predicted $I(0)$ (by equation (4))
1 23409 $1.45\times10^{6}$
2 20026 $1.42\times10^{6}$
3 15649 $1.39\times10^{6}$
4 12314 $1.55\times10^{6}$
5 7003 $1.43\times10^{6}$
6 3490 $1.42\times10^{6}$
7 1245 $1.43\times10^{6}$

We obtain an average result of $I(0) = 1.45 \times 10^{6}$. The uncertainty of the mean is $6.10 \times 10^{4}$, about 4.2% of the calculated value.

We must keep in mind that the zeroth order does not give the actual intensity of the flare, only the largest portion of it. Much of the light is diffracted off into the diffraction pattern, so to find the actual intensity of the flare, we have to add together all the orders. This gives us $1.45 \times 10^{6} + 3.56 \times 10^{5}$ (we add the zeroth order to the total of the intensities of all the peaks; but since orders past $m=15$ are cut off in the +45 and +135 arms, we take the average of each order and multiply by 4 to be the sum of the intensities in that order), which is $1.81 \times 10^{6}$.

Significantly, the total intensity of the entire May 16 diffraction pattern through 23 orders is $19.7\pm 0.32\%$ of the intensity of the flare. The error is derived from the standard deviations of each order. This means that 19.7% of all the light coming through the filter gets diffracted away from its original angle, even when the diffraction pattern is too dim to be visible. Also, this indicates that much of the light is being lost from the focused position and being spread out over the entire image. This is slightly less than the theoretical value of 20.0% diffracted away, but the theoretical value is within the inherent error of the number 19.7%.

Now we examine how the intensity range of the camera has been increased. Table 3 compares the intensity of the highest pixel, $I_{max}$, to the total intensity, $I_{tot}$, at each order for the May 16th event.

Table 3: Comparing $I_{max}$ and $I_{tot}$, at each order
order# Average $I_{max}$ Average $I_{tot}$ $I_{tot}/I_{max}$
1 2610 23409 8.97
2 2127 20026 9.42
3 1515 15649 10.30
4 970 12314 12.70
5 524 7003 13.37
6 228 3490 15.30
7 69 1245 18.11

The graph in Fig. 6 shows that we can estimate that $I_{tot}$ for the zeroth order to be 8.7 times greater than $I_{max}$. We conclude that the highest pixel value is $\frac{ 1.45 \times 10^{6} }{ 8.7 }$, or $1.67 \times 10^{5}$. This means that our intensity range has been effectively increased by a factor of 41, from 1 : 4096 to 1 : $1.67 \times 10^{5}$. Furthermore, we can expect that we can still use this method to determine intensities of even brighter flares; even if the diffraction pattern itself saturates, we can use higher orders to determine all of the orders, and the total intensity of the flare.

Figure 6: The ratio $I_{tot}/I_{max}$ as a function of order number $m$; we extrapolate backwards to find the ratio for the 0th order.
\epsfxsize = 4in \epsfbox {itot-imax.eps} \end{center} \end{figure}

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Andrew Lin