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Results from March 15 flare

Intensities of each order of the diffraction pattern are shown in Table 4.

Table 4: Intensities of each peak of the diffraction pattern: March 15, 2000
In the -45 direction:
Order# Intensity Predicted $I(0)$ (Equation 4)
1 582.8 36056.9
2 409.2 28931.4
3 365.8 32583.5
In the +135 direction:
Order# Intensity Predicted $I(0)$ (Equation 4)
1 505.3 31262.1
2 489.8 34630.0

Average of predictions: 32692.8

Standard deviation: 2796.3 (8.55% of average)

Measured I(0): 33377.7

The average predicted value and measured value match up quite well; the percentage error is 2.05%. Certainly, the measured value lies well within the range of predicted values, and the error is less than the standard deviation of the predictions.

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Andrew Lin