A movie in Carbon IV of a set of flare loops using the 1550 filter. The field of view is 185,000 km square and  one frame is taken every 60 seconds. 


A limb flare seen in the light of Lyman Alpha on 19 May using the 1216 filter.  The major erruption occurred at about 8:01 UTC.  The time between frames is 26 seconds.  The field of view is 512 by 512 pixels of about185,000 x185,000 km. 


A companion movie to #2 in Carbon IV.  It was take interleaved with the Lyman Alpha movie.  As a result the movie pairs are nearly simultaneous. 


A full TRACE field of view (370,000 x 370,000 km) of the solar limb is shown 
in the light of FE IX in 171.  This movie has a cadence of about 100 seconds.  Closeups show 145,000 x 180,000 km portions: a, b, and c.


A bouncing set of loops is shown in a movie on the disk in Fe IX - 171.  The field of view is 145,000 x 180,000 km and the candence is 100 seconds.


An example of small magnetic reconnection in Fe IX,. The field of view is 145,000 x 180,000 km,  and the cadence is one frame every 89 seconds. 
JavaScript MOVIES

Automatically Generated MOVIES

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(Lockheed Martin Missile & Space)
(The Lockheed Martin
Solar and Astrophysics Labs)
  Dr. Neal Hurlburt
email: hurlburt@lmsal.com