The TRACE instrument was designed and built at the Lockheed Martin Solar and Astrophysics Lab, in Palo Alto, CA. The Lockheed Martin public Web site for TRACE is really two distinct sites.

The first is the TRACE On-line site, where you are currently located. Here you will find a variety of general information about the TRACE mission, as well as a selection of images and movies taken by the TRACE instrument.

The second is the TRACE Data Center, which provides access to the TRACE Data Catalog. This area is for anyone interested in conducting research with the data. The Data Center is open to all, and access is free. However, we do ask that you complete a short registration form before you enter.

TRACE Analysis Guide (TAG) - This document contains a detailed description of how to use TRACE data. TAG has two main parts, the TRACE Users Guide and the TRACE Instrument Guide The User Guide describes how to analyze TRACE data and the Instrument Guide discusses aspect of the TRACE instrument.

You can use the Site Map below to access any area in this site. If you have any questions or comments about the functionality of this site please direct them to David Schiff. Questions regarding the content of this site should be forwarded to Dr. Neal Hurlburt.


|Home|Mission|Instrument|Team|Operations|Images| Movies|Education|



(Lockheed Martin Missile & Space)

(The Lockheed Martin
Solar and Astrophysics Labs)

  Dr. Neal Hurlburt