PRESS: TRACE in the media
NASA Press Release Sept. 26, 2000
NASA Press Release Text, Sept. 26, 2000
SpaceViews News, Sept. 27, 2000
NASA Press Release Movies and Publications Sept. 2000
NASA Press Release Background Info Sept. 2000
Astronomy Picture of the Day, Sept. 28, 2000
CNN Sept. 26, 2000
MSNBC Sept. 27, 2000
The New York Times, p.1,18, Sept. 27, 2000
The New York Times (web) Sept. 2000
Washington Post, p.A3, Sept. 27, 2000
Los Angeles Times Sept. 27, 2000
USA Today, P.10D, Sept. 27, 2000
Christian Science Monitor Sept. 27, 2000
Charleston Gazette Sept. 27, 2000
Sky & Telescope, Sept. 29, 2000
Time Magazine Sept. 2000
Scientific American, Dec. 2000
NASA Top-10 Stories 2000
NASA Top-10 Stories 1998
NASA Today, Sept. 26, 2000 (URL:
La Nation, No.1726, Sept. 27, 2000 (Argentinia)
San Francisco Chronicle, Sept. 27, 2000
Daily News, Sept. 28 , 2000
Science News Magazine, Vol. 158, p.214, Sept. 30, 2000
New Scientist, Sept. 30, 2000
Asahi Shinbun, Oct. 2, 2000 (Japan)
San Jose Mercury, Oct. 3, 2000, p.1H
Newsweek, Oct. 9, 2000, p.76
Vivian, Nr. 41, p.174, Oct. 9, 2000 (Germany)
Focus 2000 (Germany)
Neue Zurcher Zeitung 2000 (Switzerland)
La Recherche 2000 (France)
Ciencia Joje 2000 (Brazilian scientific magazine), Nov
Deutsches Museum, "Die Sonne unser nachster Stern", cover, p.14, Apr. 1999 (Germany)
Sky and Telescope, cover, Oct. 1999
American Scientist, cover, Mar.-Apr. 2000
Physics Today, p.27, Jun. 2000
R&D Magazine, July 2000, cover & P.37-39
Textbook cover and p.246, "Fundamentals of Electromagnetic Phenomena," by P. Lorrain, D. Corson, and F. Lorrain, W.H. Freeman and Co., New York, 2000
LIFE Special Edition, Winter 2000-2001, p.52-53
National Geographic WORLD Magazine/Jan. 2001
Sky and Telescope, p.28, 45, 173, Jan. 2001
SPACE Illustrated, p.40-47, Jan. 2001
American Scientist, January-February 2001, p.43
IAU Information Bulletin 88 (cover page), Jan. 2001
Astronomy, p.24, Jan. 2001
Science News Magazine, Vol. 159, p.27, Jan. 13, 2001
Aviation Week & Space Technology, 2000 Laurels in Space to GSFC TRACE satellite science team, p. 28, Feb. 5, 2001
The Boston Globe, Feb. 20, 2001
Sky and Telescope, p.34-39 & cover, Feb., & p.34-40, Mar. 2001
National Geographic Magazine, April 2001
Scientific American, p.40-47, June 2001
The Economist, p.71-72, Sep. 15, 2001
Textbook, "The Cosmic Perspective," Addison Wesley Longman Publishing, San Francisco, (to be published, 2001)
Astronomy, cover and p.72, Jan. 2002
CNN: Public Lecture and TRACE Images on Display at National Academy of Sciences, February 2002
Physical Review Focus featured story on Phys. Rev. Lett.
, 191101, solar paper, May 23, 2003
, p. 2-33, July 2004: featured cover story on "The Sun, Living With a Stormy Star," (TRACE images on p. 8-9, 32).
Spacedaily Headlines story on February 23, 2005: "Solar Tadpoles Wave At Astrophysicists," about a research Letter published this month in Astronomy and Astrophysics by Nakariakov and Verwichte.
NASA Press Release May 19, 2005.
NASA Press Release May 24, 2005.
NASA Press Release text, May 24, 2005.
Lockheed Martin Press Release May 24, 2005. news story on May 24, 2005: "Solar Fireworks Signal New Space Weather Mystery."
Space and Earth Science News May 24, 2005.
New Scientist webpage news story on May 25, 2005: "Solar-Radiation Burst Hit Earth in Record Time". news story on May 27, 2005. news story June 12,2005.
Sky and Telescope, TRACE white light and UV images of "A Record-Setting Solar Flare," p.16, Sep. 2005
NASA Press Release August 16, 2005.
Sky and Telescope, p.28-33 & cover, Apr. 2006
UCBerkeley News Web Feature: TRACE provides musical "Inspiration from the Sun," April 20, 2006
BBC News story: 'Pipe organ' plays above the Sun, April 20, 2007
"Magnetic Field Uses Sound Waves to Ignite Sun's Ring of Fire," NASA Press Release May 29, 2007
Astronomy Picture of the Day, Nov. 6, 2007
Site Info.
(Lockheed Martin Missile & Space)
(The Lockheed Martin
Solar and Astrophysics Labs)
Dr. Neal Hurlburt