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21 June 2010 - TRACE science mission terminated

Last TRACE image
On Monday, June 21, 2010, at 23:57 UT, the Transition Region and Coronal Explorer (TRACE) took its last science exposure after over twelve successful years on orbit. The image to the left shows the TRACE 171A exposure embedded in a nearly cotemporal SDO AIA 211/193/171 composite of the full Sun. The TRACE Small Explorer was a remarkably successful mission, with over 1000 scientific publications to date based directly or indirectly on its millions of images of the hot outermost atmosphere of the Sun. Designed for an 8-month prime mission, the instrument continued to function without significant flaws up to its last image. But its capabilities have been overtaken by the state-of-the art Atmospheric Imaging Assembly on the Solar Dynamics Observatory in all but the sharpness of its images. Hence, after a few months of joint observing to enable cross-calibration that allows SDO's AIA to build on a full solar cycle of coronal observations, it was time to part with TRACE. We thank NASA and the community for their lasting support. It has been a privilege to be associated with all of the scientists who contributed to TRACE's success; hopefully, the legacy that it leaves in the TRACE resident archive (accessible through trace.lmsal.com, as always) will continue to be a valuable asset in years to come.
TRACE targets

What TRACE observed: a visual target synopsis

Looking for observations of active-region disk crossings, filaments on the limb, quiet Sun, the north pole, or coronal holes with TRACE? We have multiple summaries of observations on line including a visual summary of the entire mission [until 2009/09/28 at present]. Click here 171Å) or here (white light).

The TRACE images may be used without restrictions in publications of any kind. We appreciate an acknowledgement indicating that the Transition Region and Coronal Explorer, TRACE, is a mission of the Stanford-Lockheed Institute for Space Research (a joint program of the Lockheed-Martin Advanced Technology Center's Solar and Astrophysics Laboratory and Stanford's Solar Observatories Group ), and part of the NASA Small Explorer program. More information on TRACE and other TRACE images can be found here. For further information, please contact Karel Schrijver (schryver[at]lmsal.com).


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Embedded within the image descriptions of the images are some links to short, and generally small, movies. To make it easier to find these, they are listed separately below. Clicking on ``description'' will show the page that contains the description, positioned approximately near the start of the corresponding description. Clicking on ``Movie #'' should launch a movie player; how and which one depends on the ``applications'' settings of your browser.

TRACE picture-of-the-day archive pages, and related information:

Direct access to TRACE movies in this collection:


Links to TRACE information, publications, etc.:


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